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Soil stabilization with UPD


Gamma Color has been producing UPD since 2001, so far over 100,000 liters have been sold.
The product is characterized by guaranteed and proven stabilization quality supported by tests results, certificates, references and the approval of IBDiM as the National Technical Assessment.
UPD concentrate is widely used in stabilization of cohesive soils. It is used for laying roads, bicycle paths and building access roads.
It is also successfully used in large-scale construction sites- as soil stabilization for the construction of logistics centers, production halls, supermarkets and car parkings. It is also used in infrastructural projects-soil stabilization for constructing waterworks, wind farms, etc. 

Effects of using UPD

Increases the strength, durability and load-bearing capacity of the stabilized soil layer, provides permanent stabilization, the strength of which increases over time
Contributes to the increasing efficiency of traditional hydraulic stabilization materials such as cement, lime and ash
Reduces the use of traditional hydraulic stabilizers by more than 60%
Reduces permeability, reduces water rising by eliminating capillary strings
Provides resistance to the destructive effects of water and frost, guarantees frost resistance
Provides high bending strength coefficient of samples- 2-2.5 MPa, with secondary deformation modulus E2 over 120MPa, mostly 200-300 MPA
Increases weight and concentration of mixture
Shortens time of realization the project by reducing stabilization time

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